Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Week 6 and 7 photos

With everything else that has been going on in Creative Ardagh, including preparations for our Wonderful Woodland Christmas event, we've forgotten to share photos from our classes and recent submissions, sorry about that! Here are a few from weeks 6 and 7. Thanks as always to those of you who sent us in pictures and ideas. If you have something you would like to share with us please let us know at

Tonal collage by James
A great example of Tones sent in by James
Tonal painting by James
Working on tonal collage in Rang a 3, Gaelscoil Longfort
Working on tonal collage in Rang a 3, Gaelscoil Longfort
Working on tonal collage in Rang a 3, Gaelscoil Longfort
Finished collages on display in Gaelscoil Longfort

Monday, 3 November 2014

Week 5 submissions and photos from Creative Ardagh

Sent in by James
We were busy last week with our Halloween event so we're a bit slow at sharing these, sorry James.
Several people have told us they are following along, but are a bit behind, so keep looking here for more submissions and to see what we get up to in Ardagh each week too.

Sent in by James
In our class we had a bit of a challenge changing the lighting conditions as there are no curtains on the large windows, so we had to set up a tent-like area for the objects. We then experimented with and without the camera flash and with different lights on. It's amazing to see how much an object's appearance can change depending on the light. Even though the objects were all white they appear in shades of grey and even blue, pink or yellow at times. Here are a few photos from our class. Lots more can be seen here.

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Week 4 photos

We had fun and produced loads of prints last week when we experimented with mono-printing. As usual we had a lovely mix from toddlers to adults participating. That was our last week focusing on line, but please continue to send us in anything you do, line-based or not at any stage in the future. We love to see others adding to and changing the ideas for their own artwork. James sent us some string art and wood whittling samples (both line projects) this week, along with some leaf prints. His pictures and some from the Ardagh class are below, more as usual here.
Leaf prints sent in by James
String art and wood whittling sent in by James

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Week 2 and Week 3 submissions

We're delighted to continue to receive lots of positive response to the course. Here's some of the pictures we were sent in this week for Week 2 - Lines in ancient art and Week 3 - Lines in modern art. More here.
Week 2 - Rang a trí, Gaelscoil Longfoirt
Week 2 - Rang a trí, Gaelscoil Longfoirt
Sent in by James - Starting off, Jackson Pollock style
Sent in by James - Painted lines
Bridget Riley inspired art by James
Keep sending them in to please.

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Week 3 - Line in Modern Art

We had great fun today learning about line in the art of Jackson Pollock and Bridget Riley. We love the dynamics of all ages working together. Toddlers, adults and those in between enjoyed painting like Pollock and experimenting to get the paint runny enough, but not too runny. We also made curvy templates and tried some Bridget Riley inspired designs. More pictures here.

Week 2 - Line in Ancient Art

We had great fun with cave art and ancient Irish art last week. We experimented with charcoal, created stamps to use later and played around with texture on clay. Here are a few of the pictures. More can be found on here.

More submissions for Week 1 and 2

Thanks to Mairin in Co. Mayo for sending in these pictures of her artworks for weeks 1 and 2.
We love the melted crayon lines. Glad to hear you are enjoying the course!